Chitty Chitty Bang Bang Jr
Wookey Hole Caves - Circus Theatre
UNTIL Saturday 28th January
The Wells Academy of Theatrical Arts (WATA) present Ian Fleming's Chitty Chitty Bang Bang Jnr Musical At Wookey Hole Circus Theatre With a cast of 150 local children aged 3 to 15 years who all attend the Saturday morning Theatre School at the Drama Barn, Market Street, Wells .
Wells and Wookey Hole will be flying through traffic when WATA performs Ian Fleming's Chitty Chitty Bang Bang JR., it was announced by Drew Cohen, president of Music Theatre International (MTI).
Chitty Chitty Bang Bang Jr is a 60-minute student-performer version of the popular stage musical based on the beloved family film of Ian Fleming's children's book.
With the famous catchy songs and cars and toot sweets! It will be a show for all the family to enjoy.
Chitty Chitty Bang Bang Jr is presented through special arrangement with and all authorised materials are supplied by Music Theatre International 421 West 54th Street, New York, NY, (212) 541-4684,