Question and Answer Evening for landlords to be held in Wells

The private rented sector is a hot political potato right now and Parliament is keen to provide a fairer housing system for both tenants and landlords.
This inevitably means an increase in legislation and regulation and many Wells landlords simply cannot keep up to date.
Last year saw the introduction of new legislation which included the Homes (Fitness for Human Habitation) Act and notably the Tenant Fees Act which, among other restrictions, caps the amount of deposit a landlord can now ask for.
The dawn of a new decade is likely to see further changes including Electrical Safety Standards in July, Minimum Energy Efficiency Standards and changes to Capital Gains Taxation in April.
The Renters Reform Bill announced in the Queen's Speech will include the abolition of the Section 21 notice - a significant change to the current legislation. It is simple to see, therefore, how landlords can easily "get it wrong".
To help local landlords navigate their way through these changes, Wells property management company, Stuarts Residential, will be running a Question and Answer Evening on Wednesday March 25 in the city.
On hand will be Stuart Nash with his team, Mark Simmons of Simmons Accountants, Andy Hambleton from Harris and Harris Solicitors, and Piers Colgate of Harrison Financial Services to answer questions and provide advice.
The event is free although places are limited so to reserve your space call 01749 672678 or by sending an email to [email protected].
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