Wells letting agent calls for landlords to make their views known over energy announcement

After a tumultuous year for the private rented sector, landlords should be aware of a further notification from the Government regarding energy performance in rented properties.
Wells property management agent, Stuarts Residential, has suggested landlords make their opinions known regarding these latest proposals.
Stuart Nash, managing director, said: "The Minimum Energy Efficiency Standards (MEES) were introduced in 2018 requiring all properties to have an EPC rating of no lower than an 'E' and if this isn't the case then it is a breach to grant a tenancy.
"Having navigated our way through this we were rather surprised to see that the Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy announced last week a consultation to increase the minimum standards further to a rating of 'C' by 2025.
"It was widely known that MEES would increase in the coming years but the suggestion was that the benchmarks would be 'D' by 2025 and then 'C' by 2030.
"While recognising the importance of energy efficiency, for landlords there are implications to these measures, particularly in older properties in conservation areas, where achieving these ratings is likely to be difficult. So it is important landlords have their say in these proposals.
"The consultation is open to comment until December 30 and we would strongly recommend that you take their survey so that you can make your views known."
You can access the survey by following this link - https://beisgovuk.citizenspace.com/energy-efficiency/improving-energy-performance-privately-rented-home/
This may also be a timely opportunity for landlords to take advantage of the Green Homes Grant recently launched by the Government. More information on this can be seen at https://energysavingtrust.org.uk/home-insulation/green-homes-grant-scheme.
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