A ‘Messier Marathon’ - an evening of astronomy with talk and observing session
Ashwick & Oakhill Village Hall, Zion Hill, Oakhill BA3 5AN
Saturday 22nd March

Weather permitting, immerse yourself in a celestial experience with the Wells and Mendip Astronomers.
The highlight of the evening will be the annual Messier Marathon, where participants endeavor to observe as many of the celebrated celestial 'Messier' objects as possible.
The event commences with an enlightening talk by Richard Hook, who will provide insights into the scheduled observations.
He will also offer a brief introduction to Charles Messier, the renowned 18th-century astronomer who cataloged and described over 100 nebulae and star clusters.
Following the talk, attendees will proceed to the playing field, where telescopes and expert guidance will be available to explore some of the Messier objects firsthand. In the event of inclement weather, the evening will still proceed, featuring a showcase of images captured by society members over the years.
This gathering presents a wonderful opportunity to meet our community and engage in conversation. Visitors are warmly welcome. Admission: Members free, adults £5, students £3.50, family £7.50.