Andre's Kitchen
Posted: Thursday, 21st May 2020 1:13 pm

Sunday roasts are back by demand - to order phone Sue on the number above.
Our wonderful roast delivered chilled on May 23 (allowing you to eat whenever you like on Sunday).
Easy five-step instruction leaflet included and within 40 minutes you will have the perfectly cooked roast.
£12.50/£8.50 delivered to your door.
Medium rare roast topside of Somerset beef with goose fat roasted maris pipers, cauliflower Mornay, steamed parsley, root vegetables, smoked bacon and cumin fried savoy, giant Yorkshire pudding and rich red wine gravy.
Vegetarian - roasted vegetable and mozzarella Wellington, roasted maris pipers, cauliflower Mornay, steamed parsley root vegetables, cumin fried savoy, giant Yorkshire pudding and rich red wine gravy.
Dessert £3.25. Refreshing lemon tart with raspberry coulis.